PhD student Olivier Szymanezyk is currently working on a framework to simulate real-time pedestrian motion in an airport environment using a scalable layered intelligence technique, a physics middleware and the social force model. Olivier and his supervisors Patrick Dickinson and Tom Duckett have recently published their crowd simulation work in papers entitled “Towards agent-based crowd simulation in airports using games technology” and “From individual characters to large crowds: augmenting the believability of open-world games through exploring social emotion in pedestrian groups“, which are accessible through The Lincoln Repository. Recently, Olivier has released a short video showcasing his work. The video has been released on YouTube.
Furthermore, a few screenshots of the most recent iteration of the simulation:
Feel free to share the video, read the related papers and to contact Olivier Szymanezyk if you have any further comments or questions!
Hi, I’m an architect. I’m trying to measure the intensity of the hospital with agent-based systems. Would like to benefit from your project. How to get codes? Greetings